Microsoft Dynamics

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Align your Sales and Marketing using Microsoft Dynamics.

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With an integration between Microsoft Dynamics and Bruma Soft, you can measure, track & optimize campaign success with bi-directional data between Bruma Soft & your Microsoft Dynamics CRM. When this integration, you can:

  • Integrate your Bruma Soft marketing contacts with your Dynamics CRM’s contact management system.
  • Update Bruma Soft contact lifecycle stages with input from other business applications.
  • Export marketing lists from Bruma Soft to Dynamics CRM.
  • Automatically add new leads from Bruma Soft so your sales team won’t skip a beat reaching out to potential customers.
  • Sync Contacts & Lists between HubSpot & your CRM
Evaluate sales interactions

See all communication and materials shared with an account, opportunity, contact or lead in Microsoft Dynamics CRM, and understand which approaches are working and which aren’t. Sales leaders can replicate the best by identifying and teaching the habits of the most successful reps to others.

See prospect behavior

With our Microsoft Dynamics CRM integration, you can see when prospects view, download or forward shared materials. Use those behavioral insights to craft the perfect follow up for each lead. A plus for managers? They can see how engaged prospects are in the sales cycle and forecast more accurately.

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