IBM Tririga

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IBM TRIRIGA provides a single system to manage the lifecycle of facilities.

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Its integrated workplace management system increases the operational, financial and environmental performance of facilities. Through business analytics, critical alerts and automated process capabilities, IBM TRIRIGA can increase visibility, control and automation of: Real Estate Management, Capital Projects, Space Management, Facilities Maintenance and Energy Management.



IBM TRIRIGA is a full-suite Integrated Workplace Management Solution (IWMS) that includes modules designed to accommodate the needs of facilities space management and maintenance, real estate, capital projects, and environmental and energy management within a single software platform.


TRIRIGA provides a single system to manage the lifecycle of facilities. Its integrated workplace management system increases the operational, financial and environmental performance of facilities. Through business analytics, critical alerts and automated process capabilities.


Bruma Soft help’s client’s to deploy and optimize the use of Real Estate and Facilities Management (RE/FM) technology and data to drive measurable business results. As a business partner, we deliver the strategic insights, functional depth and technical aptitude to ensure our client’s success. Our expertise position us to help our clients manage their maturity across all phases of RE/FM technology life cycle.

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